In this post, I will be sharing how to practice the best slow living morning routine that every girl needs for a relaxed and more productive day.
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Slow living is about disconnecting from the social pressure of feeling like we need to be constantly on the go and do everything fast.
It’s a form of intentional living.
It’s about living your life with clear intentions on what you want from it, what you want from each day.
Because at the end of the day, these small events and moments are the only things we have. We need to cherish them and prioritize what makes us happy and brings us peace.
The mornings are the first few minutes of our day. Those minutes can set the stage for the remainder of our day.
You may think of slow mornings as simply sitting around not doing anything.
Sometimes that can be correct, sometimes we need a slow morning where we sit and relax.
However, this slow living morning routine is about getting you ready for a day of relaxed productivity.
By setting up a successful morning routine you’re more likely to have a relaxed and at the same time productive day because you will be prepared.
Practicing a slow living morning routine is about putting yourself into the right mindset, and allowing yourself time to truly enjoy your day.
Whatever it may hold.
Life moves so fast these days that we need to focus on slowing down and enjoying every moment.
Practice focusing on the now.
By implementing this slow living morning routine you will feel more at ease and aligned in your life.
You will lower your stress levels and be able to better handle stressful situations with a calm heart and mind.
This post is all about the ultimate slow living morning routine for every girl.
Start The Night Before
The first way to practice this slow living morning routine is by starting the night before.
That means preparing things the night before so that when morning comes everything is already set and ready. That way you don’t have to make as many last-minute decisions.
You can do this by tidying up the house before going to sleep. Wash and dry the dishes in the sink, wipe down the countertops, and clear any clutter from the dining table.
Fold and put away the pillows and blankets on the couch.
When you have a clean home, you’re more likely to have a clear mind.
You can also lay out your outfit the night before. This way you aren’t wasting time in the morning pulling every shirt or blouse from your closet frantically trying to put an outfit together.
Another thing you can do is make your lunch the night before and put it in the fridge.
Also, plan what to eat for breakfast so you don’t have to think about it in the morning.
It’s about focusing on making the decisions the night before so you don’t have to in the morning.
You can also set a schedule or game plan.
For example, wake up, go to the bathroom, wash your face, brush your teeth, and get dressed. Then maybe you’ll go to the kitchen make breakfast, journal or read, then make yourself a tea or coffee.
Or maybe you even want to plan to watch the sunrise.
This is a very relaxing and soothing practice. Witnessing the new day start is a beautiful experience and can make us feel so warm inside.

Wake Up Early
The next way to practice a slow living morning routine is by starting the day early.
Waking up early allows you more time to do the things you want in the morning before you have to leave or start on the day’s tasks.
It gives you the time you need to practice this morning routine that will create a more relaxed and productive rest of your day.
By waking up 30-60 minutes earlier than you normally do you can prioritize the things that make you feel good.
Maybe that’s morning reading while sipping on your coffee or tea, or spending a bit of time journaling. These are some amazing journaling tips for beginners.
When you start your day off rushed and in a hurry that can set the tone for the rest of the day.
But if you start slow and practice a morning routine that aligns with you and eases your mind and soul the rest of your day will be more likely to flow and won’t feel as strenuous.
You can listen to music while you get ready and enjoy time with your significant other, kids, or even your fur baby.
I know I love a few extra minutes with my golden doodle in the mornings.
Prioritize You Time
Another way to practice your slow living morning routine is by making sure to prioritize time for yourself.
This is very important.
So much of our day is focused on external circumstances and other people in our lives.
We get up, get ready, maybe help our spouse get ready, rush to work, focus on a job for most of the day, come home make dinner, clean the house, spend time with family or your significant others, and then bedtime comes quickly.
It is like life goes by and we rarely spend any time doing things that bring us joy.
We don’t take time to feed the fire in our souls because we’re focusing too much on other things and other people.
By allowing yourself more time in the morning to do things you enjoy, you will find more happiness and joy every day.
Life is about enjoying the time we have here on the earth and the people in our lives.
In your morning routine spend time doing what you love and what makes you feel good.
That can be reading a good book, journaling, and expressing yourself that way, or maybe you like to practice yoga or meditation to help center yourself.
If you play an instrument, your morning routine would be a perfect time to dedicate some time to practice.
The main thing here is to figure out what you enjoy doing and spend time in the morning practicing those activities.

No Phone/Devices In the Morning
Another big way to practice a slow living morning routine is not immediately jumping on your phone or other devices after waking up.
Most people have a bad habit of waking up and even before getting out of bed they check their phones.
And most times this isn’t simply replying to a text, unfortunately, it’s a lot of social media scrolling and looking at the news.
When you fill your mind immediately after waking up with other people’s highlight reels it can make us feel worse about our lives.
And if you’re watching or reading the news right after waking up you’re probably consuming some negative information. Because let’s be honest most of what’s on the news isn’t happy information.
Doing these things can put a negative spin on the rest of your day.
So try not looking at your phone or iPad after you wake up for at least 30-60 minutes.
If there is an important text you need to answer or someone calls you that might be okay. But that’s a decision you have to make about where your boundary is.
For some people texting might not change their mood or mindset whereas for others it can drastically.
Try it out and see how much better you feel!
Get Outside In the Morning
The next slow living morning routine practice is to get outside!
Wherever you live and whatever the temperature is just get yourself outside.
We are meant to be more connected with nature and yet most people rarely spend any time outdoors these days.
It’s mostly the time spent walking from the house to the car, into work, into the grocery store, and back into the house. That’s not enough.
We need to focus on getting outside more and spending time there.
Something about being outside in nature, the sun on our skin, and listening to the birds chirping. It can relly add so much positivity to your day.
If you live somewhere and it’s cold or wintertime, bundle up and go for a little walk anyway. Even 10-15 minutes will make you feel so much better.
A great way to spend time outside is to go outside and watch the sunrise.
This is great because it gets us breathing in fresh air and allows the morning light on our skin and in our eyes.
This helps strengthen our circadian rhythm. It helps our bodies create a healthy wake-sleep cycle which makes us feel better overall.
Spend time outside by going for a walk, exercising outside, playing a sport, or doing an activity. You can even read a book.
If you don’t have time to get outside in the morning, eat your lunch outside or go for a coffee or tea break and take a walk.
Spending more time in nature will definitely make you feel better. And if you do it right in the morning it’s another way to start your day off on the right foot.

Movement or Exercise Routine
Getting your body moving first thing in the morning is such a good thing!
You will feel better mentally and physically.
Most of us wake up stiff from sleeping so by doing some morning stretching or exercise you’ll be able to loosen up and feel better throughout the rest of your day.
Whatever movement you choose is great.
You can do yoga, pilates, go for a walk or run. You can bike, swim, or even go to the gym. There are many benefits of weightlifting for women if that’s something that interests you.
Anything you enjoy is what will be best for you.
Moving your body gets your blood flowing and blood flow is good for brain health. It can benefit you by allowing a clear thought process, and help you make decisions.
It’s also important to stretch your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This will not only benefit you that day but also help keep you mobile as you age.
Movement is the goal. It doesn’t matter what type it is because anything is good for you and as long as it’s something you enjoy and will continue to do that is the most important part.
Consistency is what will make this slow living morning routine successful.
Set Intentions/Goals for the Day
The last practice for your slow living morning routine is to set intentions and goals for the day.
Doing this small step can help keep your day on track and keep your priorities top of mind.
You can simply keep a list in your mind or physically write it out.
I for one need things written down or I will forget everything…
You can write it on your phone in a note app or a physical planner or notepad.
Either way, if you write down the tasks you want to complete that day you’re more likely to actually accomplish them.
Goal planning is a big talk these days and writing down goals is the way to go.
There is a much higher chance that when you write down your goals you will accomplish them compared to just saying or having them in your mind.
This is a slow living morning routine you can implement every single day to help create more peace in your life.
If some mornings are too busy then even practicing this morning routine a couple of days a week would still be beneficial for your mental and physical health.
It will help you reset and align with what’s most important in your life, and help you enjoy all the small moments.
[…] If you’ve thought about doing a slow living routine, here is a morning one you’ll love. […]